Number 4 & 5 from Choc-cop Mama

#4  Choc hot cross bun review 2016
ALDI                    $2.99 for 9 minis

So high Aldi!!!

You know those ads that talk about being part of the Aldi family, or making them part of your family or…… I actually don’t know what I’m talking about but there is an ad about Aldi and family. Anyway, Aldi really is part of our family as I’ve got so many damn kids and I can’t afford to shop anywhere else. So, the Aldi buns were actually my first purchase.
The buns were very high, a bit hard, glossy on top. And they tasted very bready. But I’m going to refrain from any other comments, coz you don’t insult family in front of the general public!
Ps. 2/5

#5  Choc hot cross bun review 2016
COLES                 $1 for 1, $3.50 for 6

I need to make a confession. The Coles choc hot cross bun has always been my favourite. Always. Last year I ate about 100 (hence the healthy eating diet) and enjoyed every single one. First of all the buns are chocolate. Chocolate bun. And I swear there are millions of choc chips in those things. I think they multiply as you eat them. They are just so choclatey. They are the best, I love them.
The only negative I would point out though as they are best eaten fresh. Any hint of staleness ruins them.

But I don’t care. I give them 100/5!

It's Jolookschinese here again and a big thank you to Choc-cop Mama for subjecting her taste buds (and her waistline) to review chocolate chip HCBs for all you lovely viewers. If you have any suggestions for her to try, please comment below. There is still 9 days til Easter!
