Choc-cop Mama is back!

#2  Choc hot cross bun review 2016
BAKERS DELIGHT             $1.40 for 1, or $7 for 6

Now if we’re honest, the best thing about a chocolate hot cross bun is that you get the whole ‘I’m eating a hot cross bun’ experience without having to actually eat your traditional raisin/cinnamon/spice bun (is that what they taste like, I can’t remember).  The thing with the choc Bakers Delight bun is that as you’re eating the 100 choc chips in each bun (as advertised, but I didn’t count them), all of a sudden you’re confronted with the  raisin/cinnamon/spice taste. It freaked me out. I eat the choc ones to escape the raisin/cinnamon/spice taste. But here it was.

It was very glossy in appearance, a bit crunchy (now that was a surprise) but I did like that there was a lot of chocolate on the bottom. And anyway, you just feel healthier when you buy from Bakers Delight. I give them a 3/5. I’m getting kinder, aren’t I?

#3  Choc hot cross bun review 2016
HARRIS FARM                  $3.50 for 6

I have to say I was rather excited to be making the 10 minute trek to Harris Farm to get their buns (what can I say, 10 minutes is a great distance when you live where I am). I was sure it would be worth the effort. But dear reader, I was disappointed.

These buns were advertised as Choc Hazelnut. I definitely didn’t taste the hazelnut, and I had to take a lot of chews (and I mean A LOT) before I got to any chocolate. They were very big, soft and chewy with hardly any CHOCOLATE! Which is why I give them a 1/5. Lets move on.


  1. I love the Bakers Delight ones....I ate 4 yesterday :-/


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