HCB #15 & 16 - Bread top & Dolcetti's
HCB review #15 - Bread Top 1 x $1.40, 6 x $7 or 35 for $35 (because you are feeding a large Asian family!)
Rating 3/5
I reviewed this bun last year and I have to say they obviously read my blog and changed the recipe FOR THE GOOD!
Firstly, there is no weird yellow crosses like last year. However, this year, similarly to last, they still don't do presentation very well. It's super square, super flat which makes it very unappetising! (And actually not really that attractive to buy). The top is a little chewy but I give them points for glaze (i love glaze!). The best thing about this bun is that there are no sultanas. Not that I don't like sultanas but the dominance of the currants in these buns gives a taste and a sweetness that is simply quite delicious. These buns are best heated with butter, which could be quite difficult for most Bread Top customer who are pretty much buying "on the run".
$2.59 or $12 for 6
rating 3/5
I reviewed these last year as well and these are a local favourite in the area. I have dropped their ranking a little bit from last year. These are very bready (thanks for that word Balmain-country mum!) The don't have much spice or fruit just lots of bun which dilutes any of the nice HCB taste. The currant and sultanas mix that is there is quite nice though and the weird yellow crosses are still very yum. It looks like they added glaze this year, which is an excellent touch. It makes the expensive tag a little worth it (though I don't think so). Thanks also to Magic Music Woman with Balmain-country mum for helping me taste these.
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