Wins the race!! (Review 12)

There have been many Hot Cross Buns eaten and I think I have been super generous this year with my scores. And though there is another 5, this is the bun that wins in 2018...

2018 HCB winner - Bourke Street Bakery 6 for $14 

This year Bourke Street Bakery have put out not just their hot cross bun loaf (which I do love) but also buns. The loaf is good (and I have raved about it in previous years) It is a very good option for sharing your HCB and to be able to eat it in smaller chunks by slicing the bread and toasting it (so good with butter!) However, I do realise that it does taste a little like and ordinary fruit loaf! 😮😜

The actual hot cross buns are excellent. It's the first time for a few years the ol' BSB (as I will call them because it is late) They are pricey but they are also impressive. They look good, have a good balance of fruit and spice and taste good not heated up or heated up. BONUS!!! They are also readily available because BSB are dotted all over Sydney. So it shouldn't be much of a cross city trek to get them.

I have some tried other HCBs (there is Melbourne special post to come) but I need to board a plane tomorrow so I will have to say that this is my last official post for this year's community service. I hope you have enjoyed the posts and been able to make informed decisions in purchasing your HCBs. 

Though not the 30 HCBs I reviewed last year, I have focused on the top scoring ones of the past (quality not quantity mantra). As this is my 5th year of officially rating HCBs, I think this is also my last. 😪 After 5 years of racing around Sydney buying HCBs and subjecting my family (and my waistline) to probably more than I should have, I am hanging up my blogging boots on HCBs for now. I may revert to Instagram (find me jolookschinese) to review HCBs or Frankenbuns. You will also find I review other foods on this too (because I do eat more than HCBs).

Thank you for all your love and support during these years of community service.  You have all egged me on to keep eating these lovely seasonal treats.  Please remember the cross is there for a reason and Easter is about Jesus and his sacrifice and defeat of death, not bunnies and chocolate eggs. Have a great Easter! See you (eating) somewhere else in cyperspace!!!
