HCB #8 & 9 - Rise & Harris

Rise Bake House, Birkenhead Point, $2 each or 6 x $5

Rating 2/5

This rustic looking bun is from a local bakery near me. They look great and I really want them to be better than Coles, BUT they taste just like Coles though. The bakers must of copied the recipe somehow! However, I suggest, if you are in Birkenhead to buy these instead of Coles because a) support local small business and b) you can just buy one or two, which is handy when you just need a pick me up after buying shoes instead of milk. 

Harris Farm Brand $5 for 6 buns

Very low 2/5

These buns are very much like Coles (are they owned by the same people?) It is a soft bun that hardens very quickly and needs a microwave to resuscitate it. It is fine if you are in Harris Farm instead of Coles and need to buy your weekly HCB fix, though it is a little bit more expensive, it will save you an extra trip.
