HCB #26 & 27 - the best for last?!

HCB #26 - Sweet Homily (Katoomba) one for $2.30
Rating 4/5

I bought this on the run looking for lunch on our Easter weekend away. These are lovely!! Great looking bun, yummy glaze and cross, great mix of fruit and spice. This is a very excellent option for anyone in this area over this fantastic long weekend! 

HCB #27 - T2, 4 x $10
Rating 5/5

Advertised as:

In reality is: 

I was just a little too excited to try these but should of eaten them the day I bought then. They would of been awesome fresh but they were brilliant when I ate them (slightly reheated). A really amazing spice mix with an interesting rustic look. They are not super cheap but worth it. It's weird you can only buy them in sets of 4. I drank then with the T2's hot cross bun tea called Baxter's Bun and it was a wonderful complimentary drink. Taste like liquid HCB!  I am looking forward to drinking this when Easter is over. The HCB taste without the weight gain!

Well there you have it folks! My HCBs review for 2016. Having tried over 27 different buns for you I think I have done my community service well. This does mean that more than 27 buns were consumed for this review and I may now be struggling with a slight HCB overdose. I am sad there were some I didn't get to this year (Papas especially!) 

I must confess there were some HCBs I deliberately miss like these:

(Sorry, bad photo) 

I saw these in a local supermarket and, I confess, really thought the first one was awful last year and the right hand one was really expensive ($7!) and felt hard and like little rocks. And I just knew I couldn't put my wallet or my body through them. 

I may need to go on some form of detox after the weekend!! 

In summary, my favorite HCB in 2016 would be T2, Bourke St HCB loaf and Woolworths for your garden-variety HCB.

Thank you for reading my reviews. I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have enjoyed eating them! Thanks especially to the friends & family who have helped me.  I hope you all enjoy this Easter holiday and especially the reason for the season - the wonderfully sweet, beautifully gracious and the unbelievable offer of eternal life in Jesus Christ - the reason for the cross on the hot CROSS bun!  

