Introducing Choc-cop Mama and choc chip bun review number 1

Many of you lovely readers have been requesting I include choc chip hot cross buns in my reviews over the years. There have been a number of reasons why I haven't done this (limit the scope, focus my attention and weight gain, or this really).

In 2016 however, the lovely Choc-cop Mama has offered her taste-testing skills to give you choc chip bun reviews. (applauds please).

So, without further delay I hand this blog to the sweet hands of Choc-cop Mama:

Howdy bun eaters, it's Choc-Cop Mama here (note correct spelling Jolookschinese)! Stress levels have been a little high as I’ve realized there is only 2.5 weeks til Easter, with no reviews on any chocolate hot cross buns to show for 2016. Aaaargh! But never fear, I have bought, tasted, photographed and reviewed and (drum roll) have plenty to say about the choc buns that have entered my mouth especially for your reviewing pleasure!!! 

I just want to thank Jolookschinese for this opportunity first up. [ed: no worries! :)] Its not often that a mother of 4, used to being barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen gets to review and be published next to Jolookschinese herself. 

I’ll try not to blow it.
 I have decided to take a more casual approach however as I prefer to describe my overall experience, rather than stick to strict guidelines or criteria. 
 I am, a free spirit.

So with no further adieu (is that how you spell it), let the reviews begin!
 PS. Before I commence, I do just want to inform that I couldn’t possibly use Coles as the standard at 2/5. Woolies has to be it. More on Coles later. 

PPS. The other cause for increased stress levels is that I decided to start dieting just before I began reviewing, but hey I like to honor commitments I make. That being said, a bun really does have to be worth eating to get a good review. I’m not wasting those calories on crap!

#1  Choc hot cross bun review 2016

WOOLWORTHS               $3.50 for 9 minis

 - Packaging - 

- courtesy of IKEA - 

Is it wrong to give your ‘standard’ bun a negative number out of 5. I don’t care which one, its just not allowed to reach a positive number. Harsh, maybe but let me explain.

I was a little excited that WW uses Cadbury choc chips to pepper their buns. What could be more exciting than Cadbury choc chips (maybe Lindt but hey). But this bun was little, unattractive, a little too sweet and honestly I felt like I was chewing for hours. At one point I thought, I cannot finish this bun, I mean it is waaaaaay too chewey, and yet so small. But, for the sake of the review I must continue to chew, to finish the thing.

I pass Woolworths ALL the time, but despite the convenience, I won’t be buying these minis anytime soon. (Hmmmm, maybe I could have given it a 1. Nah.)  
