HCB #19 & #20 - Black Star Pastry & Tip Top

Black Star Pastry, 1 x $4.50, 6 x $25 and 12 x $50
Rating 4/5

These HCBs are considered the best in Sydney by some. I am not sure about that. They are a great looking bun with a good amount of spice (you would hope so for the price!). They have gone up 50c in price from last year and are by far the most expensive bun I have bought so far. Like last year, these do taste expensive as they have heaps of fruit and spices and are quite a dense bun. Too dense and too spicy for me. I don't mind a bit of peel as it can add to the favour for a HCB. It adds a bit of special-ness to the bun. But too much peel in this case. My little man George didn't like it at all. I think this is grown-ups bun for sure (esp for the price!). It would be a good bun to buy for visiting friends over this Easter, to impress them with the frankincense glaze. This would of tasted awesome if it was hot and buttered but weirdly the cafe wouldn't serve it like that. 

Tip Top Traditional Hot Cross buns, 6 x $5.30
Rating 3/5

From the top to the bottom of the price pack nearly. These are quite an ugly square bun and I nearly didn't bother with these. But for the loyal readers I didn't skip past these (there are actually some I did skip - more on that later). I was pleasantly surprised with this bun however. It's a bit of an ugly duckling. The packet is right when it says there are sultanas, spices and peel. Even though I am not the biggest fan of peel, the peel in this gives it an edge over the benchmark Coles. They are soft but I would suggest you heat these up before consuming. I don't mind the zap in the microwave but toasting under the grill is also pretty good.
