HCB review 4, 5 & 6

HCB review #4 2015

Aldi Baker's Life HCB 6 x $2.79 2/5
Though the Alice in Wonderland themed Easter bunny is a bit off putting, this is a decent looking, decent tasting bun AFTER its nuked with butter. Not for picking up as a freshly baked afternoon tea treat for the kids but more to have in the cupboard when you need a HCB fix and have access to a microwave. For the price, the extra work is worth it. 

HCB review #5 2015

Bowen Island HCB with an incredibly cute date.

Bowen Island bakery, 6 x $12.80. 4/5.

I confess I have not been the biggest fan of Bowen Island for anything. It can come across as a trendy inner west cafe with overpriced organic food and a reputation that is not match by product or service (harsh I know). And I have been disappointed with their HCB's in the past  but I was impressed this time with the favour and the spice.  It's not the best looking bun (I like a decent size cross on HCBs), it's not the greatest fresh (needs to be served warm) but the favour is fantastic and a pack of these at Easter would impress your friends. Plus, it's organic (whatever that means....)

HCB review #6 2015

The Village Organic Bakery, Drummoyne 6 x $9, 4/5

Speaking of organic, right next door to Bowen Island in Drummoyne is another organic bakery (dubbed Phowen Island by locals) that has their own HCB. And these are fantastic! Ok, they don't have the favour of Bowen (lacking spice) but they look great (I love graze!), are super soft, great fresh (so a good afternoon tea treat for kids), keep well and reheat well. These are a great and cheaper organic alternative to next door if organic is your thing. 
