HCB review #16, 17 & 18, 2015

So, with the last weekend before Easter, I thought I would go all out and do the driving for you lovely fans and give some of Sydney's more famous HCBs a go. With a little help from The-Man and Flamingo-Girl we enjoyed the above pictured buns.

Clockwise from botton left: Black Star Pastry's Frankincensed-glazed HCB, Papa's Choc chip HCB and Bourke St Bakery's HCB loaf. Two appear in the below review due to HCB guidelines. I'll review Papa's separately. 

HCB review #16, 2015

Black Star Pastry, $4 per bun or 6 x $22. 3/5

This is an expensive HCB and it looks and tastes expensive. Not that I am saying it good, but it taste like it's got a lot of different fruits, a lot of different spices and you are getting your value for money. However, I found it a bit too spicy and too fruity for my liking. I am not sure if it's the frankincense-glaze or the mixed fruit in the bun. It's not that soft either. I shouldn't of wouldn't drive across town (and deal with dreadful Newtown parking on Election day) for this. But if you want to serve something different to your friends, this could be a go.  Or even better yet go for.....

HCB review #17, 2015

Bourke St Bakery, HCB loaf $6.50, 4/5

Yes. I know it's not a "bun" per say but it is a HCB... just a very LARGE HCB! And it's delicious! Obviously not as soft as a normal HCB due to it's size, but it looks good, tastes good and is really good for sharing the HCB love. HCB's are traditionally a weird thing to share with others. Due to the cross and their softness, cut up HCB's just kinda look wrong. This loaf however is very cool to allow one to just slice a bit of HCB, zap and butter a slice and give to friends or eat as a sneaky treat. It's quite fruity (too much peel for The Man). But it's got good flavour! If you live near one, or its not that hard to get to, it's a good choice this Easter. Awesome way to share HCB joy!

HCB review #18

Supabarn HCB 6 x $4.29 2/5

A last-minute-easter-egg-shop saw me drop into a Supabarn and provided an unplanned pick up of these HCBs. They are soft, look good and taste like the other competitors in this market (namely Coles and Woolworths). Only sultanas as fruit and reheating-ability is not fabulous. And they are bit more expensive than the others and don't taste better. These will be good if you need some HCBs and you live near a Supabarn (and no other grocery store). 
