HCB 2014 reviews 11 - the end

In starting the HCB reviews 2015, I found these old reviews that I did not get around to posting. Strange. Lucky no fivers in this so that people would be disappointed. But I thought i would post them so it can help comparing with this year's review.  I apologise that last year reviews were short and brief.  Due to awesome family reasons, I was in Japan for the week before Easter which reduced my ability to taste HCBs.

So... some 2014 reviews.. for posterity reasons...

(not sure where #11 went....)

HCB Review #12: Bowen Island, 3/5. These buns have rave reviews but I found them to be too dense, overpriced and not appealing to the eye. They do seem to last quite a few days though & reheat well. At $12.50 for 6 it would suit those who want something really fruity. 

HCB Review #13 Black Star Pastry 3/5. These buns are quite a dense, flat small bun packed with fruit. But they are a bit expensive (I think $4 for 1) The Frankincense sounds cooler than it sounds. And it's a little hard to get. Location is not great But it has frankincense..... 

HCB Review #14 The Bake House Drummoyne. 4/5. A top HCB in the past, this year it just didn't quite stack up. It's expensive ($15 for 6?) but it's a really good looking bun; nice and round, and a good level of fruit and spice. But I like softness and I like money in my wallet. So not sure if can stretch the wallet to fit the price for not much premium on taste. Harsh. But true. 

The Bakehouse Hot Cross buns. (April 2014)
