Fruitless = Pointless

I have seen these around. This strange type of frankenbun that defied reason, to me. Most of the big supermarkets and bakery chains had them. I am not quite sure why they exist. Does anyone out there know? 

What am I talking about? The fruitless HCB. Hot Cross Buns with no fruit!

I have never been tempted to buy one, but ever helpful The Man, bought some from Baker's Delight (with a stack of others) for us to try and I just had to give it a go. 

Verdict: Pointless.

It's got the spice of a HCB but not the complimentary sweetness of the fruit. It's got the soft texture of the bun but not the paralleling juiciness of the fruit. It's got a neat cross and wants to be a proper hot cross bun, but it isn't. It never was and never will be without the fruit. 

I am guessing you only buy these if you are desperate for the HCB taste but cannot justify the calories of the fruit sugar? Or can't buy the fruit ones? Thoughts? 
