Reviews #13, 14 & 15

I confess it always amazes me when I get to this number of HCBs that I have managed to actually eat at least 15 different buns. My initial target was ever only 10. 15 different types of buns means that there has been definitely more that that consumed in the process (all those types that only come in a pack of 6!🙊).  And there is still 2 more weeks til Easter!! 😅

The Bible has these lovely verses that go "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If either falls down, one has the other to help the other up." (Ecclesiastes 4:9 - 10a). This is talking about human relationships but it can also be applied to reviewing HCBs. It is much better to review with others.

For the next four buns, I had the help* of a few people and enjoyed spreading HCB love all around.

(*Ok, help may be a not the right definition. I may have subjected a few friends while they were at my house to eat these as it was the only thing I was serving for supper. There are also others at work who I bribed with HCBs as anyone eats free food at work ) 

Clockwise from top left: IGA no brand, Bread Top, David Jones, Black Star Pastry

Review #13 - The lost fruit - IGA no brand bun, $2.99 for 6. Score 1.

This is a new one for me and one I will probably skip in the future. It looks like a square piece of white bread with a cross and it is a piece of white bread with a cross.  There is pretty much only 2 sultanas in each bun with, I guess, still classifies this as a HCB, JUST!! OneNote Wonder Woman nearly didn't get any fruit in her bun and it's amazing how it didn't really taste any better heated with butter. No spice. No nothing. Just plain boring white bun. Just say no. Walk away from it now. 

Review #14 - The cheater - Bread Top, $1.40 per bun. Score 3.

This HCB is a very soft bun. I like soft. But this was ridiculously soft. Like, can't cut in half soft because the bread is so soft it sticks together. I really like the taste of this bun because it's sweet and my sweet tooth is insatiable. But it's not because it has an amazing mix of fruit and spice. No. This bun is cheating to get your taste buns excited. It has chocolate! Little cheating bits of chocolate in the bun to make it super sweet and very yum. No fruit. Chocolate. I don't think this is the worse thing, except that my desire of maintaining purity for HCB is pretty high. One for those who don't like fruit. (though you could just get a chocolate HCB if you are going to be like that 😜.)

Review #15 - Mr Right- David Jones, $2.95 each or 6 for $9. Score 4

Another new comer to the HCB reviews is this lovely, smart looking executive style HCB from David Jones.  The home of the eye tantalizing, wallet-busting food hall that is a bit of an institution in Sydney, David Jones does HCBs right.  Great mix of fruit and spice, good looking cross and lots of glaze. You would expect David Jones to get this right. And they kinda do EXCEPT it's a tough bun. It didn't really soften much after I microwaved it either. It still tastes great with butter and warm, but I really like a soft bun and this didn't cut it for me. These are still a good bun. I probably wouldn't hike into the city for them. Or walk from Haymarket or Barangaroo. But if you work near Town Hall, it is not be a bad option. They are the ones to take home to grandma.
