Bonus Review - Franken Bun - the Hot cross bun kit kat

Because I have been a bit irregular with these posts, I thought you all deserved a treat. A bonus post to make up it up to you.

With the existence of the amazing hot cross buns means that around Easter there will always be "spin offs" (for want of a better phrase). I call these Franken-buns. Frankenstein versions of the original hot cross bun. Fruitless buns are a type. Chocolate another. Hot cross bun kit kat an amazing version again.

Yes. I did say it. Hot Cross Bun Kit Kat! Sounds crazy but it's true. I have a picture of prove it!

Thanks to my faithful followers (ok, not followers, FB friends who endure my posts and wannabe blogger moments) it was brought to my attention that the Melbourne KitKat Chocolatory (why don't we have one in Sydney?) was making a limited edition Hot Cross Bun KitKat. Within a week of the this coming to my attention, and my public call out to see if I could get one to me in Sydney, I had one in my hot little hands. A big thanks to the Fantastic Mrs Woo-meister and Mrs Accounting Love - the first who bought the chocolate and the second who brought it to Sydney for me.

The Hot Cross Bun KitKat is a set of 4 long KitKat sticks, HCB flavoured, with a cross of white chocolate painted onto. It is pretty. It is not as big as it seems. It can be broken easily into 4 piece and then halved again into 8. (Portion control!) It is also excellent for sharing. Which is what I did. When a few friends who regularly gather at my house came over, I asked them to help me with the reviewing.  We all agreed it was good. Very good. It is definitely a KitKat and hasn't lost any of that good chocolate-wafer biscuit combo. But there is spice and a bit of fruit to give you that sense of HCB.  This is definitely something to buy and give to friends or share as a special Easter holiday treat. It goes excellently with tea and will help your chill out over the extra long weekend.

Now, how do we get one of those KitKat Chocolatories to Sydney.....
