Number 4, 5 and 6 for 2017 - the ones to stay away from!!

#Review 4: The Trump-like New Comer: Raffael's Bakery, $8 for 6. Score 1.

A new kid in the HCB review block, Raffael's is an italian bakery in Haberfield (Sydney) right near the legendary Papa's (who have the honor of having a 5 rated HCB in 2014)

First thought is that these HCB are not your normal HCB. For a start, the crosses are orange. Very orange! Tanned! Gel orange. Orange like a famous tanned psychopath (to borrow from @NeffSara). And I really should of thought harder about what that could of been before I bought 6 of them as I only realised that that orange goo was afterwards - marmalade! Or an orange jam of some form. A "gel" some might say. These HCBs have lots of fruit in it, one fruit in fact - orange to be exact! And I am no orange fan. If you are, this is for you. But not for me!

#Review 5: Consistently poor: Baker's Delight, $X for 6. Score 1

I know these are truly loved by many people, but not me. These look good and promise so much, but the taste, reheat, lack of spice or "plump" sultanas they advertise on their website, make this so disappointing. With their score falling from 3 in 2015 to 2 in 2016, I think I have let the compounded disappointment of these buns push me to a 1.  I could of been copy and pasted here for 2016 but I do not short change you, loyal followers, with that type of journalistic laziness. For their price, and the reality that they are outside every Coles or Aldi, go to Coles and Aldi and save the the money for a rainy day. (Or weekend or week as Sydney is going through at the moment).

My constant disappointment with this bun has meant I didn't even get a photo of it! LOL.

#Review 6: Fallen from grace: Drummoyne Bakehouse, $2.80 for 1 (you could nearly buy 6 Aldi ones) or $14 for 6. Score 1.

(this has been instagrammed filtered to make it look nicer!)

With this hefty price tag you would expect a five. It's the exorbitant price tag that sinks this average HCB to a 1 out of 5. I know that is harsh! I know they are loved! They do reheat well, but, in all sincerity, they are not much to write home about. They look mass made (too square for my liking). I will pay that they have neat crosses, but there is hardly any fruit, or spice and there is an unusual taste. Not awful, but different. In memories past this use to be a chocolate taste (which was very nice, maybe cheating a bit but lovely). However I think the 2017 version it is a hint of coffee. COFFEE!!! It's like they are trying to bribe the adults to like them!! For my non-coffee drinking taste buds this did not serve it any honors. In 2013 (I think, it was before this blog when I only did these reviews on Facebook) it was a 5, but now it has truly fallen.
