Hello to 2017 HCB reviews!!

As the days get cooler, the sun disappears under grey clouds (literately in Sydney!), the change in season brings one thing - Hot Cross Buns (lovingly shortened to HCB)

(actually, we all know that really, after Christmas, the shops start stacking HCBs, so it's really Christmas that brings it ON!)

Since I gain a bit of weight during this period whilst trying HCBs for your enjoyment, I have thought about quitting. But just can't. It is really a service to the community that needs to continue for everyone's knowledge and time saving at Easter. This year I hope that the damage won't be so great as since Easter is really late (late APRIL!) I will be able to stretch out my HCB reviews (and exercise more inbetween).

For those new to playing, I have a few simple rules. See rules here. All scores out of 5. 5 needs to be so bl**dy fantastic that you will drive across town for them! (I know, that bar is high)

It's pretty simple.

15.3.17 EDIT: Thanks to my friend the Jacaranda Hunter, I must say, unlike 2016, there will be no chocolate hot cross bun reviews this year. My dear friend chocotopmama is taking a break from her blogging debute.

So let's begin!

The Benchmark: Coles HCB's, $3.50 for 6. Score of 2.

This is an oldie but a goodie. Had my first one in January! I am not sure if its because I have been conditioned to it's taste, but I like this bun. Sweet, not heaps of spice. Not bad in the looks department either. It has very nicely formed crosses. Reheats well which is awesome as I cannot (much to everyone's disappointment) eat 6 HCBs in one day. (sorry no picture!)

Review #2: The Competitor: Woolworths HCBS, $3.50 for 6. Score 1.

This was really disappointing for a direct competitor of the benchmark. I even bought these warm! They did not reheat well (went super tough) and their appearance is not good. I hear from a very reliable source that the quality depends on the Woolies that you buy it from. So, if Coles is not your local, try the "other" Woolies (the one near Mum's house or something) for better. Or, you could go for the dark horse.....

Review #3 The Dark Horse: Aldi (branded Baker's Life) HCBS, $2.99 for 6. Score 3.

Consistent but often forgotten, as I said last year, these HCBS are very satisfactory for your every day HCB needs. These are the ones to feed the kids for afternoon tea, to keep for your daily HCB need (that's not just me, is it?) because their reheat value is AMAZING and they taste really good too. Throw a packet in with the grocery shop!!
