2017 reviews no. 7, 8 and 9 - with a helping hand!

(Note new look!!!)

For reviews 7, 8 & 9 I had the delightful help of the Drumming Thai girl who offered to "sacrifice her body" (her words) for these reviews.

Big thanks to you, girlfriend.

So one rainy (because that's all we have in Sydney in March) afternoon, we sampled the next three hot cross buns. And we were in one accord with the order of goodness for each of these buns, though maybe not the score.

Since this is my blog it will be my score here. If you know Drumming Thai girl, you can ask her what she thought.

(Clockwise from top - Rise Bakehouse, Papas and Dolcettis)

Review #7 - Unchanged independent - Rise Bakehouse. 6 for $5. Score 2 out of 5.

I actually could post 2016's review of this local bakery product as it could easily apply this year. It is a neat looking bun from an independent bakery near my local Coles. A bit too white bread and needs more favour. It costs more than Coles and Aldi and therefore drops its score in my stakes. The best part of this bun is that you can buy just one of these buns (unlike 6 at Aldi and Coles) and have it as a reward from saving yourself 50% on a Cue dress in Birkenhead Point. These buns also pop up throughout the year disguised as "fruit buns" so the HCB goodness can continue way beyond Easter! Drumming Thai girl and I put this last in this trio.

Review #8 - Sweet favourite - Papas. 6 for $6. Score 4 out of 5.

I really like these buns. In my last post I was very ungenerous with the buns. I hope I am not over compensating with this post, but again, I like Papas buns.  They were a former 5 out of 5 bun for their rustic, individually styled look and a very generous price for an independent bakery.  These are sweet buns, which I like though I know some may not. They do reheat well and taste good and feel bigger this year. I don't think you need to trek to Haberfield for them though. If you are going to trek across town, I think you should come for No. 9 from just down the road....

Review #9 - Wins me over -  Dolcetti's. $12 for 6. Score 5!

A locals favourite, many of you have been campaigning for a 5 score for these buns for years. Really. And though I only gave them a 3 last year for being too bready and a high 4 in 2015 because they are soft and sweet, in 2017 I think I have been finally won over. These are a beautiful bun.  The shiny glaze with the yellow cross is practically screaming "eat me". And like Alice in Wonderland these buns will charm the pants off your family and friends as an Easter treat. These are the ones I will (probably) bring to Easter lunch this year (unless The Matriarch requests otherwise). The fruit mix is good with a great bit of spice. It is sweet (I like sweet) all the way through, even to the sweet yellow cross. They are expensive so I wouldn't really be giving them to the kids (seriously) but if you are keen for some good buns, drive over to Wareemba (which sounds like it should be in the Blue Mountains next to Warrimo but is actually next to Five Dock*) and grab a treat. Or just stop by for coffee and eat one on its own.  Magic Music Woman and Balmain-country mum - I think we need another HCB Coffee catch up!! :)

* Dolcetti's use to be down the road from Papas if you drove from Ramsay Street to Great North Road and then a little. However a certain controversial freeway now blocks this. :(

Too generous in my scoring on this blog? Got any contestants who you think should be a 5? Let me know!!!
