"Sunny" reviews for a rainy day (review #18)

About a week ago, Sydney was flooding. Like the beginning of the famous kids book, The Cat in the Hat, it was "Too wet to go out, too cold to play ball". Thankfully it is nearly Easter so it is a good time to make a cuppa and enjoy HCBs.

The next two reviews is for a new brand Sunfield and I am reviewing their Sultana HCBs (which I am calling their traditional bun) and their Hazelnut HCB (which is definitely a Franken-bun).

Review #18 - A pleasantly sunny surprise - Sunfield, 6 x $3.49. Score 3.

These buns were discovered at Harris Farm on a very rainy cold night on the commute home from a crappy day at work. I had never seen the brand before and always keen to give a newby a go. I confess I was actually drawn to the Sunfield's Franken-bun Hazelnut first, so thought "had" to try both.

These were really moorish. Like totally moorish! They are very soft and maybe not the most pretty of buns. But they taste good. They don't have peel but the sultanas and spice hold this bun well. I can't quite explain why these were so nice as they seem plain (maybe secret addictive chemical* to make you eat them more). They heated well and when butter was added these were so delicious The Man and I both had a second helping. Sunfield Sultana HCB were surprisingly scrumptious. This would definitely be a good every day bun that, with the price tag, you wouldn't mind if you had to share with the kids.

Franken-bun review - Sunfield Hazelnut. 6 x $3.49.

Do Hazelnut and hot cross bun go together? Yes they do!! The Hazelnut HCB was like a chocolate chip HCB but with nutella-like choc chips. It wasn't as sweet as a normal chocolate HCB and I am surprised there are not more hazelnut varieties out there as this works well.  There are even bits of hazelnut in the bun. For the price and their availability in Harris Farm, I would be adding this to your trolley to add something new to your Easter celebrations.

* Maybe quote from So I married an axe murderer....
