Review #16 - it's own special post - Black Star Pastry

Review #16 - Black Star Pastry. 1 x $4.95, 6 x $15. Score 1. (yes, that low)

The Black Star Pastry HCBs are pretty famous. It has been described as Sydney's Best Hot Cross Bun. It is regularly listed as the HCB to buy at Easter. In 2017, I tried this bun. And I also shared this fun with some lucky followers friends. I have tried this bun before. I have called it expensive tasting and you would hope so for the price.  You can buy a lot of other HCBs for the same money.

For those who are observant, you would of noticed I pictured this bun  in the other review but didn't review it. I felt this special bun needed its own post.

It is packed full of fruit and with the brand of Black Star Pastry, it can impress anyone. The hype, the price and the notoriety just makes the let down worse. This is not a nice bun.

I subjected this to some of the same friends at the same time as review 13 - 15. One mouthful had one friend reaching for a drink to wash their mouth out. The Magic Music Woman just said "that is not nice," before discarding the rest of her piece onto a plate as quickly as possible.  OneNote Wonder Woman wins the best review of HCB quote ever, "My mouth is weirdly; too much orange peely." There is A LOT of fruit. Basically too much fruit. Kinda like trying to eat a fruit mince with bread. And the spice is a not a good balance. The combo just doesn't go. OneNote Wonder Woman pointed out correctly that this HCB leaves a weird aftertaste in your mouth that is not sweet or pleasant but kinda oily and sour. This is not a soft bun or moist.

I realise that to go against the more famous, popular, experienced online foodies is going to really show my true foodiewannabe colours. But this is my reviews and my blog and I am just going to call it. Don't listen to the hype. Don't get this bun. Don't tackle the bad Newtown traffic to get to their main cafe or wait in the long line at the Town Hall cafe.  If you happen to find yourself at Black Star Pastry cafe (coz more random things can happen) treat yourself with a slice of their watermelon cake instead. Let them focus at what they are good at.
