Hello 2018 HCB reviews! Review #1 & #2 for 2018

It's that time again!

With Christmas and summer out of the way in Sydney, it time to start to get serious about the next big calendar event - the start of the AFL season - EASTER! And this means not just the anticipation of reflecting on God's grace with a fantastic 4 day long weekend, but also means HOT CROSS BUNS!! YES!!!

This is my 5th year reviewing Hot Cross Buns (or HCBs as I like to call them). This is a community service that I provide to all those who care - reviewing HCBs to find the ones that are worth driving across ol' Sydney town for.

There are a few simple rules. You can find them here.

This year, to mark the 5 year anniversary of this HCBs eating escapade, instead of trying to eat as many HCBs as I can (I think 30 last year was a triumph!), I am going to try and visit past, top performing HCBs. I even did this crazy spreadsheet (I am an engineer by day) to rank the best HCBs from the past reviews.

(It was big so not all of it is displayed.)

This does not mean I am not open to new HCBs. Please send through your suggestions!!

So, without further adieu, let the best HCB for 2018 race BEGIN!!!

The pace car  - Coles HCBs 6 x $3.50, rating 2/5

This is a good, every day bun. Cheap, easy and tastes good warm with butter. Can fulfill your daily HCB needs (I am sure I am not the only one who needs one a day.......)

Back up the pace - Bakers Delight, rating 2/5 $1.40 each

Though last year I was really angry these HCBs did not taste better for their cost, I feel a little sympathetic this year. They still don't taste better than a Coles bun for the extra price BUT, they are a better looking bun. They are a bun you can introduce and serve to your friends. And if you only want one bun (as you watch that waistline) you can buy just one at Baker's Delight and be perfectly happy with having a HCB hit without all the calories (or having to complete a pack of 6).
