2018 Reviews #3, 4 & 5

Just out in front of pace - Aldi brand Score 3/5

The Aldi Hot cross bun has been a consistently above par hot cross bun and I have rewarded it with an extra point to put it in front of the pace car. It tastes similar to the Coles type but it is cheaper and therefore perfect for your every day hot cross bun needs and especially good to feed to the kids.

At the back of the pack, already - Woolworths Score 1/5, 6 for $2.50

For the same reason as Aldi, but this time in the negative direction, the Woolworths hot cross buns are really not great. They don't reheat well, they don't taste great and they are the same price or more expensive than the competitors in this field. Go to Coles or Aldi for your hot cross buns if you want to or better yet, go to Harris Farm.....

Leaving the back of the pack - Sunfield Score 3/5, 6 for $3.49

These HCBs sold through Harris Farm are really the perfect every day hot cross bun. They look good, they taste good, they reheat well and they are not too expensive. Yes, they are a whole $1 more than Coles, Woolies or Aldi, but I think, when spread across 6 buns (so that is like 17c per bun), the extra taste is worth it.
