HCB 2016 reviews begin!!!

It's that time of year my friends!! When I perform my annual community service to rank hot cross buns (HCBs) across Sydney (and beyond) for my dear friends and family, so you don't have to! I put on weight, and go through many many buns to enable you to know which is the best hot cross bun around.

For those who have not played my HCB game before, it's pretty simple. There are a few rules to my reviews:
  1. I seek to limit my reviews to fruit buns only (they are the original and best); 
  2. The buns are ranked from 0 - 5, not half scores with 2 being Coles fruit buns (see below)
  3. The buns are ranked on look, taste, softness, re-heat-ability (because I cannot eat 6 at once) plus price (because I am money-conscious like all of you);
  4. And I take requests (and home-delivered taste-tests too!! Hint hint!)
A new thing that will happen this year is that I am adding CHOC CHIP HOT CROSS BUN reviews!! Yes! You have asked (for many years now) and I have answered! However, this wasn't actually all my own doing. My dear friend choc-cop-mama has actually volunteered to review these for you. Watch out for her guests posts!!

So, since it's one month til Good Friday, let's begin!

HCB Review 2016 #1 - Coles Fruit hot Cross bun, 6 x $3.50
Rating 2/5

As many long time readers will know, I like this bun. It's a good steady bun for your everyday HCB needs. It's cheap, looks good and pretty much jumps into your grocery trolley while you shop so that makes it easy to get. However, I am not sure if it's my taste buds, or their recipe, but these seem much blander than I remember. It will mean that getting more than a 2/5 should be easier for the competition. And getting less than a 2/5 is pretty bad. 
