HCB reviews # 6- 10, Easter 2014

HCB review #6 - Woolworths Fruit Hot cross bun, 12 x $7, 2/5. These buns are nice and soft, a bit too light coloured for me, with fruit but not enough spice. For the little extra price over their main competitor, they are are not worth the extra $ but not a bad substitute if Woolies is your local.

HCB review #7: Balfours fruit hot cross buns; available from IGA, 1/5. This bun is super soft, so soft it crumbles when it is cut. It taste ok nuked with butter but the dozen looks like it could be one massive bun; it has not got much fruit or spice and is really only good as a desperate measure, when you can't get to another option.

HCB review #8 Supabarn Fruit Hot cross buns, 6 x$3.50, 2/5. I nearly skipped these as they do not look impressive atall. However, they hold their own when eaten, soft and a good balanceof sweet and spice and taste very good nuked with butter. Perfect tohave in the house for the littles ones for afternoon tea.

HCB Review #9 - Dalat Hot Bread, Concord West, 4/5. Off a very strong recommendation, these are lovely, plump, soft HCBs with lots of fruit and a sweet taste. A little too sweet for this reviewer! At $4 for 6 I would be ditching the nearby Woolies and buying these! 

HCB review #10 - Pasticceria Papa fruit hit cross bun 5/5. I did not want to be a hot cross snob but these individually baked buns (some say that's the only way. *cough*) are soft, artisan looking, not too big or small, good mix of sweet & spice without being over powering and for the price of $5 for 6 (or 1 for 90c) they won't break the bank. Found a FIVE!!! 
